Alpha Webdesign


Please find below the most common FAQ

(Please note that if any of your questions cannot be found here, don’t hesitate to contact us)

Q1. What is SEO?
A1. SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation “Click here for more information

Q2. Does Alpha Design only create websites?
A2. No, we are a Webdesign company and we specialise on website design and development however we can also develop database-driven systems and applications by using web-based languages otherwise known as scripting languages as well as software-based systems which can be installed on Windows, Mac and Linux operating systems.  Furthermore, we can develop mobile apps for Android, Apple and Windows phones. “Click here for more information

Q3. What software technologies you are using to create websites for your clients?
A3. We use a variety of different software technologies including Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Dreamweaver, Adobe Flash, Adobe Animate, Adobe Flash Builder, WordPress, Joomla, PHP, ASPX, MySQL, MS Access, SQL Server, Oracle. “Click here for more information

Q4. What does web hosting mean? Do I need one?
A4. Hosting in simple terms is a computer which will allow you to install your website in order for the people who have internet access to connect to this computer and view as well as interact with your website. “Click here for more information

Q5. What if my website has been hacked, or I need to make some changes on my website e.g. remove or add a new special offer?
A5. No worries! We provide 24/7 technical support. “Click here for more information

Q6. My yearly budget is already set, do you have a setup fee for unlimited website updates?
A6. Yes, most of our clients have a 12-month contract with us for unlimited updates e.g. add and remove: images text, links, documents.  Please note that any additional website functionality will be charged however our prices are reasonable.

Q7. How can I tell if your SEO skills are good?
A7. Excellent question! Nowadays it is very hard to trust people for their SEO skills however a simple way to identify if someone’s SEO skills are good, the only thing you will need to do is have a look for projects they have worked on and ensure that their ranking is good not only on Google but on Bing, Yahoo, Ask and other search engines available on the web. “Click here for more information

Q8. I know your base is in Manchester UK, however, my company is in America, how we will communicate?
Nowadays with all the technology available, the world is a small place. We have customers in different countries including New York, Canada, Germany, Greece, UK, Italy, Turkey and Hong Kong. we mainly communicate via Email, Skype, Viper, WhatsApp and TeamViewer however we are open to suggestions if you have a different preference.

Q9. I only need a simple website. can you do this?
No job is too small for us. The answer is Yes!

Q10. I need a new database system for a big organisation, can you complete a big database project?
No job is too big for us. We have more than 100 outstanding professionals working for our team on-demand and managed by one Project Manager who uses all the latest technologies, project tools and methodologies e.g. PRINCE2 Updated (version 2017). The answer is Yes!

Contact Alpha Design
103 Rochdale Road, Milnrow
Lancashire, United Kingdom
Postcode: OL16 4DU
Tel: (+44) 01706 659682
Mob: (+44) 079 4323 5968